Community Life Jesus Mary Joseph

Community Life Jesus Mary Joseph

In our communities we want to give expression to our faith that Christ has brought us together to support one another, also and especially in our apostolic dedication. We want to show that people who do not see one another on the basis of sympathy, but who believe that they have been placed together by God, are ready to understand this as a charge to become one. The one who would contribute to the becoming - one of the human family and to the world's remodelling, must first show that the evangelical community - ideal is possible. Working together at the mutual bond then appears as the realization of a 'home', where all can be seated at one table.

A Eucharist centered contemplative community - Christ is celebrated, contemplated and adored at the heart of each community; as the days go by, the joys, hopes and sorrows of all our brothers and sisters, far and near, are confided to Him, so that He may present them to his Father.


Community Prayer, sharing of meals and recreation are important means to shape our communities.

This global thinking and universal acting is an incomparably rich trait of JMJ, which is led by the spirit and charisma of our Founder. This requires great sensitivity to the signs of the times and a continuous reflection on dedication for the world of peace and justice, for a new humanity.

Consecrated to God, in a special way we are committed to the Church at the service of her mission, bringing to it the charism received from God by Fr. Mathias Wolff. We belong to the Holy Family striving to live in obedience, love, joy and service. We desire above all to have the Spirit of the Lord.

Our communities are multicultural and International which is a privilege and enrichment. Internationality sister-hood, mission or key words that invite us anew to go on further in the world - wide movement of peace, justice and integrity of creation.

As a bond of communion among the different cultures, we live in international fraternal communities, and our desire is that they may announce the day when all people will be united into the one People of God.