The aim of this Our Prayer Book is not curb much less rule out, in any way of the use of spontaneous prayers. But rather it aims at fostering a harmonious way the praying together by many individuals, apart from providing a ready help in our private prayer. Many of us have cherished our hand book of prayers not only in our childhood but even long after our life as religious. It has fed our piety and served us as inspiration. A loving use of Our Prayer Book will be a sure help in our spiritual life and draw us closer to the divine model our Lord Jesus Christ.
Spirit and Charism gives a broad view of the history of the Society up to the death of the Founder, Fr. Mathias Wolff, on the other it goes back to the spiritual tradition of the Society as entrusted to the sisters in the Founder's writings. The latter implies that each of us has the task to keep this spiritual patrimony intact.
This book is a guide for meditation to accompany the liturgical year. It is a simple meditative inspiration. A hymn, psalms, a short reflection on a Gospel text, breaking of bread, sharing wine and all this embedded in periods of silence.
To study and understand the spirituality and faith experience of the three periods of Israel's history and learn to read, reflect and pray the psalms meaningfully, and make our own psalms.
Anjali presents the history of JMJ in India for last 100 years i.e 1904 – 2004, which treasures the information regarding the beginning, the growth and the development of all institutions, the spirituality and charism that has been lived up by the pioneers and following generations up to the present time.
The seed grows up presents the history of JMJ in the world from 1822 to 1940. This book consists of three volumes and not just compilation of some figures, but a real living experience of the Spirit, Charism and spirituality of our society lived by the pioneers and following generations up to 1940, which also includes the mission in Indonesia and India.
The book "The Ravening Wolff' was written by H. Cloos S.J. titled "Der reissende Wolf", translated first into Dutch and then into English. This book was originally written for the people of Luxemburg. The reflections mentioned in this book are still the stimuli of the renewal and deepening of the essentials of the religious and evangelical spirit. The great merit of Fr. Cloos's work for our Society lies in his description of Fr. Wolff's personality, which reveals the spirit by which he lived, and which he wished to impart to his congregation.
This book is the biography of Sr. Dr. Mary of the sacred Heart, a medical apostle of India, the Architect of JMJ healing ministry, the foundress of the CHAI and the ones who initiated and inspired the foundation of St. John's medical college, Bangalore. This biography is a source of inspiration and emulation to many in the service of humanity
This book completely depicts the story of the life of Dr. Mary Glowrey, who became Sr. Mary of the Sacred Heart. It helps us to understand the life of Mary Glowrey, a gentle Australian girl, so corresponded with God's grace that she became a truly valiant woman, whose name is held in honour and veneration in the country of her adoption, India, and no less in her own native Australia. It is not too much to hope that this short account of her life may be the means of leading others to follow in her footsteps..
This book "A Journey of Faith of the deceased Sisters of the Society of Jesus Mary Joseph 1904-2006" is a Memento to be read and reflected over when they intercede with the deceased and thus gain strength to meet the Lord when he summons. Now we see Him dimly; then we meet him face to face.
The aim of this Our Prayer Book is not curb much less rule out, in any way of the use of spontaneous prayers. But rather it aims at fostering a harmonious way the praying together by many individuals, apart from providing a ready help in our private prayer. Many of us have cherished our hand book of prayers not only in our childhood but even long after our life as religious. It has fed our piety and served us as inspiration. A loving use of Our Prayer Book will be a sure help in our spiritual life and draw us closer to the divine model our Lord Jesus Christ.