The Indonesian mission at the request of the Provincial of Jesuits in Indonesia and the invitation of the Bishop Mgr. WalterusStaal of Indonesia, the Superior General of the JMJs – Mother SeraphinePullens in consultation with her council took bold step to send the missionaries to Indonesia.Accordingly six young Dutch sisters set sail to Indonesia in the year 1898 – Mother Wenceslas tePoel (Superior) Sr. Josefie van den Berg, Sr. RactitiaLoonen, Sr. Boniface Meyer, Sr. DositheaSchambergen and Sr. Philothee Peters. |
Increase of members led to greater availability, varieties of apostolates, extension to different areas and islands and greater openness to the service of the church in Indonesia and around. In 2007 the Indonesian Province was divided into three Provinces – Makassar, Manado and Jakartha. The Provincials are Srs. AgnetaNgala, JustienTiwow and Sr. Lucia Tolok. |