Rev. Fr. Mathias Wolff was born in a simple family of Mathias Wolff and Anna Marie Zenner, on March 9, 1779 in Diekirch, Luxembourg in Europe at the end of the 18th century at the time of French revolution.Though he had a strong desire to be a Jesuit, it was impossible due to the suppression of the Jesuit order from 1773 onwards.
He was ordained as a diocesan priest in 1802 and devoted hislife in priestly work in different parishes.When the Jesuit Order was restored, he did a year of Novitiate under the Jesuits in Belgium in 1815 thus becoming Fr. Mathias Wolff S.J. He knew that he was surrendering himself for 'Ad Majorem Deum Gloria' – i.e. for the greater honour and glory of God, totally dedicating himself to God in the service of otherss.In 1816 Mathias Wolff ended his novitiate in Belgium. Together with his fellow novice, priest like him, he received his mission:, the mission in the Netherlands.{...}
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